"To know God and to Make Him Known". One of the best ways to know God more is to know His word and understand the story that He is writing here on earth. In DBS we want to become more familiar with the word of God, discover more about the unified story of the Bible and learn how His word transforms our lives and nations. And all of this we desire to do in the context of a community of disciples, where we sharpen and learn from each other.
During this school you will read through all the 66 books of the Bible, you will learn how to read and understand these books in the original context, what this means for us today and how we can teach others about the Bible.
DBS is a Bible School, but we don't only want to read the Bible, we want the Bible to read us as well and be transformed into his image through our reading. So, why do DBS? To Know God and to Make Him know by becoming more like Him.
Lecture phase: 4 th of April – 30 th of June
Outreach phase: 1 st of July – 3 rd of August
Lecture phase: 2500 euros
Outreach phase: TBA
Registration fee: 50 euros
Completion of DTS lecture phase & outreach
As YWAM Trentino we desire to be ‘Rooted in Community’, ‘Fed by the Word’ and ‘Fueled by the Spirit’. We desire to be a community where we sharpen each other and find a place of belonging, where we know how to be nourished by the word and live empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our invitation for you is to be a part of our community by doing this school and to learn together how we can be fed and nourished by The Word of God.
Our home is in a beautiful town in the north of Italy, close to the Garda Lake and at the bottom of the Italian Alps. We believe that by being amazed by creation we are drawn closer to our creator, and so, what better place to dive deeper into his word. We are very excited to see what this school will add to our base in new depths of encountering God in His word and we would love for you to be a part of that!
When I started my DBS in Berlin in the year 2020, I heard people say these big statements like: "This school has changed my life in many ways". I thought to myself: Yeah, that's something that people say, but let's see for myself if this will be the case. Looking back now, this school has been one of the most beautiful challenges in my life, and has been very transformative. It has indeed changed my life.
I really love DBS. I like the combination of Discipleship AND the overview of the entire Bible. The school is designed so that you may grow in both knowledge as well as character. I can’t wait for more people to fall in love with Scripture. Looking forward to having you here!