Trailblazer DTS 25-26

Disciples who make disciples. God is inviting you into a journey beyond your wildest dreams. A time set apart for the Lord, to seek His kingdom. To become a part of a community on fire for the Gospel, building a foundation on the Lord.

The Vision

The Trailblazers DTS is a bilingual school run both in Italian & English with a passion for the unreached peoples of the world. The heart of the Trailblazers DTS can be found in the last words of Jesus to His disciples in Matthew 28 v18-20

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We want to blaze new trails where maybe people haven’t gone before or rarely go. God has asked us to go to the unreached and bring the good news of Jesus! So in this DTS we will be focusing and seeing how we can be best prepared to go to the last and the lost. Obeying Jesus when He tells His disciples that

“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few…”

We want to be a part of the answer to there being only a few laborers because we believe that the harvest IS plentiful!

There is an invitation to us to be equipped and ready with the good news of the Gospel, and one way we can do this is by taking time to get to know Him more! People coming from all nations knowing that God has more in store for their walk with Him. We are hungry for more of God and we want to pursue relationship with Him together in community, with you!

God is preparing this fun and amazing journey for us to go deeper with Him, all He asks for is that we take His hand and trust. Maybe you’ve had this desire for a while or maybe it's just stirring up in you while reading this. This DTS is for people who are longing to know the Lord more, who have been hearing God's gentle voice calling you deeper.


  • Lecture phase: September 21th-December 13th 2025
  • Outreach phase: December 13th 2025-February 22nd, 2026
  • Debrief and Re-entry: February 22nd-March 7th 2026
  • Graduation March 6th

School Fees

  • Training Phase: €2650.-
  • Outreach: between €2500.- and €2750.-
  • Application Fee: €50.-

Knowing God

The start of DTS is known as the “training phase,” or “Lecture Phase” of the school. During this time we'll be diving deeper into Knowing God. Equipping ourselves further. We will have classroom times, small groups, and one-on-ones, but we will also have lots of learning through meal times, fun activities, outdoor excursions and so much more. Going into topics such as

  • Father Heart of God
  • Lordship of Jesus
  • Person & Work of the Holy Spirit
  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • Identity & Calling
  • Fear of the Lord
  • And more…

Making Him Known

After the training phase we will be heading out into the nations following the call of Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. This is called the “Outreach Phase”. This time we will go and serve in other countries. Doing things like evangelism, mercy ministry, and more. To take our time of training and make it practical in going out to spread the Gospel. The nation or nations we will be going to are currently undecided.

Debrief & Re-entry

Finally we arrive at the last two weeks of the DTS. A time to reflect and give the glory to God for what He has done during these months. Processing everything we have been learning and how to make it more practical going into the next season of life. Being sent out to wherever God is calling you, having been prepared spiritually, mentally and emotionally during this time.

Other School Elements

  • Vibrant worship times
  • Dynamic prayer sessions
  • Inspirational teachings
  • Local & international outreach
  • Outdoor adventures
  • Family style mealtimes
  • Radical community
  • Fun times with lots of new friends!
  • Enjoying the beauty of God’s creation in Northern Italy

This DTS is run by YWAM Trentino. We are in Italy and we are passionate to see Italy reached with the Gospel and to see a new movement of young missionaries going from Italy into the nations. Our base is beautifully located just North of Lake Garda, where the Alps meet the Mediterranean climate and the Italian food and culture. We will have plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful terrain around us!

We’re excited to pursue the passionate purpose-driven lives Jesus calls us to together on this new adventure!

Let's talk!


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Our location

Arco, Italy